Friday, February 11, 2022

Limits of Vision

This restriction of perceiving ourselves as bipedal
beings with a split brain and only two hands
hominids loping along to score our next medal
thinking we're winning and conquering lands

What are we overthrowing if not our own sense
of real objectivity and knowing the difference
between seeing and believing that anything's real
like the pores in our skin or the craters of the moon

How may we secure our newfound perspective
If we don't keep in mind that later or soon
enough our misguided sense of directive
could use further adjustment to better attune

Ourselves to the notion we're part of a picture
much greater than anything we might imagine
if we just let go of our own patented scripture
the authenticity remaining we could examine

How strange to think that whatever is evident
May require faith to believe in due to its size
That our individual selves here as a resident
Remain a fraction of a colony of cells in our eyes